Computer Engineering is a field that integrates science and technology in the design, construction, implementation, and maintenance of modern computing systems, computer-controlled equipment, the Internet of Things, and their related applications and networks of intelligent devices. In this discipline, students will gain expertise in a variety of computer technologies, including the Internet of Things, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and network and database security.
As a computer engineer, one can work in a variety of industries, including software development, telecommunications, and information technology. The demand for skilled computer engineers is constantly growing, as technology continues to advance and play a larger role in our daily lives. Studying computer engineering provides a strong foundation in both hardware and software design, as well as in-depth knowledge of computer systems and networks. This broad range of skills makes computer engineers well-equipped to tackle complex technical challenges and to create innovative solutions to meet the needs of modern society.
Computer Engineering
- FBD3101 Discrete Mathematics
- FBD3102 Database
- FBD3103 Software Engineering
- FBD3104 Object Oriented Programming
- FBD3105 Operating System
- FBD3106 Database Laboratory
- FBD3207 Computer Organization and Architecture
- FBD3208 Data Communication and Computer Networks
- FBD3209 Algorithms and Data Structures
- FBD3210 Object Base Programming Laboratory
- FBD3211 Artificial Intelligence
- FBD3212 Web and Mobile Programming
- FBD3213 Algorithms and Data Structures Laboratory
- FBD3214 Computer Networks Laboratory
- FBD4115 Information Systems Security
- FBD4116 Cloud Computing Technology
- FBD4117 IoT Technology
- FBD0001 Pattern Recognition
- FBD0002 Data Engineering
- FBD0003 Machine Learning
- FBD0004 Software Project
- FBD0005 Computer Network Security
- FBD0006 IoT Wireless Communication
- FBD0007 Smart IoT Device
- FBD0008 Computer Graphics
- FBD0009 Game Development Techniques
- FBD0010 Information System Audit
- FBD0011 Digital Forensics
- FBD0012 Distributed System
- FBD0013 Special Topics on Computer

Dr. Misbahuddin, ST.,MT

A. Sjamsjiar Rachman, ST.,MT

L. A.S. Irfan Akbar, ST., M.Eng

Giri Wahyu Wiriasto, ST., MT