Our vision is to become an international and competitive electrical engineering study program in teaching, research and innovations by 2025.



  1. Carry out education with religious character, good attitude, and creative thinking in the development of sustainable innovation.
  2. Provide a conducive research atmosphere for the development of sustainable innovation.
  3. Carry out community services that harmonize innovation with the needs of community and industries.
  4. Develop cooperation at the national, regional, and international levels to support the development of sustainable innovation.





To achieve the four missions as stated above, the EEUM study program has related targets and strategies, as the following:

1st Mission: (i) develop an integrated curriculum that refers to national and international standards, (ii) actualize integrations between religious- and social attitudes as well as soft- and hard-skills, and (iii) implement the 4.0 learning system and long life learning.
2nd Mission: (i) establish an excellent research roadmap, (ii) provide good research infrastructures, and (iii) create a synergized academic community in a conducive, effective, and productive research climate.
3rd Mission: (i) develop technology and business incubators, (ii) initiate community services based on research and innovation, and (iii) increase quantity and quality of community services.
4th Mission: (i) intensify collaboration with national and international universities/institutions, (ii) expand collaboration with corporates and industries, and (iii) increasing revenue generating.