Research Group Members

Cahyo Mustiko O. M., ST., MSc., Ph.D.

Sudi M. AL Sasongko, ST.,MT

Syafaruddin CH ST., MT

Suthami Ariessaputra, ST.,M.Eng

Budi Darmawan, ST., MT
- Stimulate collaboration between fields of knowledge in research and technology development within the national and international scopel.
- Maximizing participation in research and development sourced from national and international funds.
- Increase the research and development capacity of the University of Mataram in the leading field of Sensors and Industrial Automation.
The Industrial Sensor and Automation Research Group will become a forum for research in:
- Sensor systems for agro-industry, health, defense and security and industries that have the advantages of being cost effective, safety and environmental friendly.
- Automation in various industrial processes to increase efficiency by creating technology, expert consulting and technology services.
The Industrial Automation and Sensor Research Group will research and develop high technologies such as:
Electromagnetic and acoustic sensors, Tomography systems, mechatronics, Automatic control, Digital control, Signal processing, Image processing.
Research Topics
- Electromagnetic and acoustic sensors,
- Tomography system,
- Mechatronics,
- Automatic control,
- Digital control,
- Signal processing,
- Image Processing.

- 2020, Detection of Sugar Content in Mango Fruit using Coaxial Resonator, The 4th International Conference On Science and Technology (ICST) 2019
- 2020, Karakterisasi Buah Mangga Berdasarkan Nilai Dielektrik Menggunakan Teknik Double-Ring Resonator, The 4th International Conference On Science and Technology (ICST) 2019
- 2020, Pemanfaatan UV-C Chamber Sebagai Disinfektan Alat Pelindung Diri Untuk Pencegahan Penyebaran Virus Corona, Jurnal Abdi Insani Universitas Mataram
- 2018, Optimization of Grid Antenna 2.4 GHz Using Grid Reflector and Yagi Antenna's Feed Modification, 2018 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AEMT)
- 2017, Analysis and design of a triple band metamaterial simplified CRLH cells loaded monopole antenna, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
- 2017, A Data-Oriented M2M Messaging Mechanism for Industrial IoT Applications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- 2017, Desain and Realization of Microstrip Antenna for GPS Antenna Using Proximity Coupled Techniques, 11th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications
- 2016, Low Cost RF Amplifier for Community TV, IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering