One of Group Research in University of Mataram that is focused on the development of power converters devices for particular applications of renewable energy power plant and variable speed drive of electric machines. PED-rg interested in various research topics, namely :
- Design and production of high efficiency inverters, Power Converters, Rectifiers and Cycloconverters
- Development of a variable speed control system for electric motors for electric vehicles (Electric Vehicles) which includes Dual fed open-end induction motor drives and motor control BLDC motors for various applications
- Design of a DC based Photovoltaics power plant for lighting and power supply for electrical equipment in small-scale buildings/households.
- Design and Consulting Power System and Power Electronics and Drives (Smart Green, Smarts Control, Smart Electrical Panel, Control Cooling System ( HVAC), Alarm System ( Fire Protection), BCMS ( Building Control Management System), Utilities High Risk Building, Control and monitoring Conveyor. etc.
Publications ;
- Performance analysis of a novel decomposition based PWM scheme of dual-inverter fed open-end winding five-phase motor drives with DC-link voltage ratio of 2: 1, Satiawan, I.N.W., Citarsa, I.B.F., Wiryajati, I.K. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2020, 13(12), pp. 4908–4914
Design and Control a High Gain Synchronous Buck Converter for a Solid State Distribution Transformer. Satiawan, I.N.W., Citarsa, I.B.F., Suksmadana, I.M.B., Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2020, 1569(3), 032090
Demand Response Management using Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, Ray, P.K., Nandkeolyar, S., Lim, C.S., Satiawan, I.N.W,, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020, 2020, 9070522
A New Modulation Technique for A Three-Cell Single-Phase CHB Inverter with Un-Equal DC-Link Voltage for Improving Output Voltage Quality, Citarsa, I.B.F., Satiawan, I.N.W., Supriono, 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology, AEMT 2018,
Performance analysis of cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter using mixed switching frequency with various dc-link voltages, Citarsa, I.B.F., Satiawan, I.N.W., Wiryajati, I.K., Supriono. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 105(1), 012003
A Simple PWM scheme for a four-level dual-inverter fed open-end winding five-phase motor drive. Satiawan, I.N.W., Citarsa, I.B.F., Wiryajati, I.K.. IET Conference Publications, 2016, 2016(CP688)
An analysis of voltage space vectors' utilization of various pwm schemes is dual-inverter fed five-phase open-end winding motor drives, Nyoman Wahyu Satiawan, I., Citarsa, I.B.F., Ketut Wiryajati, I., Kade Wiratama, I., International Journal of Technologyt 2015, 6(6), pp. 1031–1041
Performance comparison of PWM schemes of dual-inverter fed five-phase motor drives, Satiawan, I.N.W., Citarsa, I.B.F., Wiryajati, I.K., Aware, M.V., International Journal of Technology, 2014, 5(3), pp. 277–286
A simple multi-level space vector modulation algorithm for five-phase open-end winding drives, Jones, M., Satiawan, I.N.W., Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2013, 90, pp. 74–85
A dual five-phase space-vector modulation algorithm based on the decomposition method, Jones, M., Nyoman Wahyu Satiawan, I., Bodo, N., Levi, E., IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2012, 48(6), pp. 2110–2120, 6340331
The performance analysis of dual-inverter three phase fed induction motor with open-end winding using various PWM schemes, I.Ketut Wiryajati, Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari, I.Nyoman Satya Kumara, Lie Jasa., International Jurnal of Springer, Wireless Networks,2021, 27 (2), 871-880
Speed Control Strategy for Three Phase Induction Machine Fed Inverter Base on Carrier Base Pulse Width Modulation (CBPWM), I K. Wiryajati, I A.D. Giriantari, I N.S Kumara, L Jasa, International journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology 5 (1), 14-18
The Advanced Carrier Based Pulse Width Modulation Using Third Injection Harmonic Reference Signal on Neutral Point Clamped Inverter, I K. Wiryajati, I N.W. Satiawan, I B.F. Citarsa, I M.B. Suksmadana, First Mandalika International Multi-Conference on Science and Engineering
- Simple carrier based Space Vector PWM schemes of dual-inverter fed three-phase open-end winding motor drives with equal DC-link voltage, I K.Wiryajati, I A. D Giriantari, I N. S. Kumara, L. Jasa, IEEE, 2018 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (ICSGTEIS

I Nyoman Wahyu Satiawan
I Ketut Wiryajati

Ida Bagus Very Citarsa
I Made Budi Suksmadana